Letter from ACE

Association of Civic Employees
As of May 2020

ACE Affiliates and Members,

If you don’t know, ACE is made up of the unions that hold positions within the City of Saskatoon. The Presidents of each Local sit on this board to ensure that you have a voice within city governance.

As we move through the challenging times of COVID-19 and what that means to your workplace, know that your Local Presidents/Secretaries are working hard to keep you safe. Since the beginning of March, ACE has been meeting on a weekly basis. This is a change from the bimonthly regular meetings. These meetings are centered on what is going on with city employees to make sure there is consistent messaging coming from the top down in all facets of the employees work life. It has been meant to make the employee safe in the work life as much as possible.

These meetings have also included Mr. Jeff Jorgenson, City Manager. He has provided insight in what management has had to deal with as well as the tough decisions the administration has had to make. ACE members have been able to ask direct questions, get answers, and solve problems with Mr. Jorgenson through these meetings. Recently, His Worship Mayor Charlie Clark has joined our meeting. He has been asked to join us on our weekly conference call along with Mr. Jorgenson. Be assured that your voice is heard at the top levels of the City of Saskatoon Administration and Council.

These weekly meeting will continue in the foreseeable future as COVID-19 changes how we run our daily work lives. This is to provide our members with the safety and security of being able to work comfortably and make sure your concerns are heard at the highest level.

President Glen Green IATSE 300
Secretary Jay Protz IAFF 80